domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009

Hypopharyngeal cancer.

Hypopharyngeal cancer.

Dutch Head and Neck Oncology Cooperative Group. Hypopharyngeal cancer. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Association of Comprehensive Cancer Centres; 2007 Jan 9. 209 p. [904 references]

This is the current release of the guideline.

The guideline will be updated annually by a multidisciplinary committee created in 2006 based on scientific developments. The Dutch Head and Neck Oncology Cooperative Group, as the primary party responsible for the current guideline, will furnish the chairperson for this multidisciplinary committee. The committee has the responsibility of making interim inquiries by professional societies to establish the need for revision(s) of the current guideline. For important developments, it can be decided in agreement with CBO and VIKC to create interim electronic amendments and distribute them through the various professional societies. If necessary, a new study group will be created to revise the guideline or parts of it. The committee will install a new multidisciplinary study group for a complete revision of the guideline by no later than 2011.

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Hypopharyngeal cancer.

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